Thank you for your interest in our study. The goal of the study is to investigate the role of communication in virtual teams. You will be paid a fixed compensation of GBP XX (We will determine the duration and offer a compensation that amounts to 6-9 GBP per hour) for participating in this study and receive a potential bonus.
Before we start, we want to give you some information about the study and inform you about data protection.
Petra Nieken, Alexander Mädche, Christof Weinhardt (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
We study the role of communication in virtual teams. This study will take no longer than 45 minutes of your time.
You are eligible to participate if you previously agreed to share video and audio with other participants and are technically and physically able to take part in a video conference. Additionally, you are between 18 and 65 years old, speak English fluently, have at least 100 previous submissions, and have an approval rate of at least 95%. Furthermore, your residence is in the US and you have not participated in this study before.
There are no physical or emotional risks associated with this study that would go beyond the risks of daily life. Your participation may improve remote work and benefit society.
The information collected in this study may be published in a report or a journal article and presented to interested parties, including possibly, but not exclusively, members of editorial boards or scientific committees. We do not collect your IP address and will delete the Prolific ID from the dataset 10 years after the completion of the study. Other information (e.g., survey responses, time of the survey) will be kept by the researchers and may be used for future studies. In addition to consenting to participate in the study, you will have the opportunity to opt-in to the use of your video and audio data in research presentations with a scientific audience. If you opt-in, your audio and video data will be kept by the researchers for an unlimited period of time, otherwise, it will be deleted ten years after completion of the study. Upon request, personal data (e.g., video, audio) will be made available to journal editors and reviewers to verify our statements.
Participation is entirely voluntary. You may leave the study and withdraw your consent at any time without any penalty or prejudice.
This research has been reviewed according to the ethics procedures involving human subjects by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (IRB Number: A2024-026).
If you want further information about data protection, please click here.